Kiwanis Club of Bethesda, Maryland
Check out the Bethesda Miracle League Website:

APRIL 13, 2013

Dr. James Leder at site of Miracle League Field when cement was being poured on June 9.
Opening Day - Monday, August 1, 2011. Contact Dr. Jim Leder at
for additional information on this ongoing project.
Bethesda Kiwanians and Miracle League Trustees
host some team members of the Miracle League as guests of the Washington Nationals Team on
Children's Day

The Miracle League Field Becomes a Reality... Thanks to the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation and The Lerner Family Foundation
The Washington Nationals, in association with the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation and The Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation, announced their partnership with the Miracle League of Montgomery County, the Kiwanis Club of Bethesda, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC)’s Montgomery Parks Department, and the Montgomery County Recreation Department to construct the Washington Nationals Miracle Field in Germantown, Maryland.

Johnny Franklin, Miracle League Director from Huntsville, AL, Joe Gordon, a Miracle League Donor, and Dr. Jim Leder, President of the Miracle League of Montgomery County.
The Kiwanis Club of Bethesda hosted the Miracle League Exhibition Game on August 28, 2010