Newsletter of the Kiwanis Club of Bethesda, Maryland
Serving the Community Since 1945
Meeting Date: April 11, 2013
The meeting was called to order promptly at 12 noon. Pat Norry led in the Pledge, Bill Hague gave the prayer and Sean Ryan led in the patriotic song. President Jeanne Smith welcomed our guests – Georgia Eaves and Elana Gardner from the Rockville Club. Kim Ryan, wife of Sean Ryan was also welcomed. We had 11 attendees. Jeanne Smith welcomed other members to give an inspirational thought of the day. We had some really good ones today:
Love God and do as you please
Love the land that loves you back
If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything
Worry is a misuse of your imagination
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet him
Saturday, April 13 – OPENING DAY OF MIRACLE LEAGUE 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, April 25 – Lunch Meeting @ LaPanetteria, 12 Noon- Check to Bruce Adams—Lazarus Leadership Fellows.
Saturday, April 27 – Rebuilding Together Project – Bring work gloves and helps put a house back together. Sign up for morning or afternoon shift. (8-12) (1-4). Contact Jeanne Smith if you want to participate. Seniors stay home. We need able-bodied workers.
Tuesday, May 7 – Board Meeting, YMCA Ayrlawn Building, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 9– Dinner Roasting Bill Hague’s retirement. Hunter’s Inn, Potomac. $40 per person.
Monday, May 13 – DCM Meeting, Leisure World – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 17 – Potomac Club Armed Forces Day Dinner, Kenwood Club -6 p.m.-9 p.m. $50.
Thursday, May 23 – Lunch Meeting – Check Presentation to JSSA, Speaker: Stanley Fagan, PhD.
Chair: Jim Leder, Jeanne Smith, and Pat Tiede. Chair Jim announced the following:
President Jeanne Smith
President-Elect Patsy Jackson
1st Vice President Tracy Miller
2nd Vice President Richard Ruprecht
Secretary-Treasurer Pat Tiede
Past President Jim Leder
Gary Boswell (2013-2014)
Rebecca Bull (2013-2015)
Pat Norry (2013-2014)
Marlayna Proctor (2013-2014)
Sean Ryan (2013-2015)
Thanks to our NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Chair: Jim Leder, Jeanne Smith, Pat Tiede. Nominations can be accepted from the club at our next meeting, April 25. Elections will be on May 9, 2013.
Spring 2013 Miracle League Schedule – All Saturdays – Start at 10:30 a.m.
Sean Ryan encouraged everyone to attend the new season. Saturday, April 13, the weather will be good and Jeanne is making hot dogs! Doesn’t get any better than that. There are plenty of bleachers for you to sit down and everyone should make the effort to attend at least one game and see a beautiful field that was made possible by our club and other Kiwanis Clubs in the area.
Marlayna Proctor HD for both her sons, William was selected captain of his Junior Varsity baseball team, and her second son Nathan made straight A’s. Bill Hague HD is grateful for his friendships of the Bethesda Club members. John Walker HD responded by thanking Bill Hague for his friendship. Kim Ryan HD that daughter and son are both doing well in school and both are playing ball. Jeanne Smith HD is looking forward to so many players signed up for Opening Day.
Pat Tiede, Editor
Website Editor - PAT TIEDE (301-493-6937,